Upcoming Travel Dates
Join Jeremiah as he ministers across the United States.
November 3: Altar Night (Kannapolis, NC)
For more information, visit thealtarglobal.com/events
November 15-16: Power & Love Conference (Corpus Christi, TX)
For more information, visit powerandlove.org
November 17: The Ark Fellowship (Kannapolis, NC)
For more information, visit arkfellowship.church
November 24: V1 Church (New York City, NY)
For more information, visit v1.church
December 1: GateCity Church (Lawrenceville, GA)
For more information, visit gatecityatl.com
December 1: North Georgia Revival (Dawsonville, GA)
For more information, visit cfchurch.tv/ngr
December 13-14: Firelands Church (Akron, OH)
For more information, visit firelands.church
December 15: The Ark Fellowship (Kannapolis, NC)
For more information, visit arkfellowship.church
January 5: The Ark Fellowship (Kannapolis, NC)
For more information, visit arkfellowship.church
January 7: The River Church (Nortonville, KY)
For more information, visit 2theriver.com